Spring 2022 Meeting, April 23, 2022 from 1-4 PM

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Dear CCARC Delegates,

I hope this finds you all safe and healthy.

It is time again for another CCARC meeting. At the last meeting there was
vast agreement to continue on-line meetings. This meeting will be held via
Zoom. You will be able to join with video from your computer, tablet, or
smart phone. You can also dial in from any phone for an audio only

The meeting will start at 1 pm and will be finished by 4 pm.

Our business meeting agenda will address several topics for CCARC and
Colorado Amateur Radio in general. Please see the agenda for a summary.

Please remember that you must be the registered primary or alternate
delegate (or a written proxy) and dues need to be current to vote on
formal business at any CCARC meeting. The status of your membership can be
checked on-line at http://www.ccarc.net. Your club’s current registered
delegate information can also be obtained from the website.

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of
CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member.
Please spread the word and invite a friend or neighboring club officer! I
look forward to seeing or at least hearing from all of you on the 23rd.

Douglas Nielsen, N7LEM