Spring 2021 Meeting Agenda

The CCARC Spring Meeting is coming up on Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 1-4 PM. This meeting will again be held via Zoom video-conferencing. The full agenda and Zoom link are available through the mailing list.

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member. If you wish to attend see your club delegate to get the information or contact the chairman above.

CCARC Fall Meeting 2020

The Fall 2020 CCARC Meeting will be Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 1-4PM
This will be our second meeting via Zoom.
The Zoom specifics have been sent to the delegates.

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of
CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member.
If you wish to attend see your club delegate to get the information or contact the chairman above.

All Coordinations Are Now Due

All existing CCARC coordinations in the State of Colorado are now due for update.

The Coordination Tool is functional and working. If you have NOT received an email from fcadmin@ccarc.net, it’s likely that your email may be wrong. If you have checked your spam folder and whitelisted fcadmin@ccarc.net, we suggest contacting the Frequency Coordinator to update your information.

He can be reached under Frequency Coordination in the menu above.

2m and 70cm Band Full in Denver

As of the middle of July 2016, the both the 2m and now 70cm band in the front range from Wyoming to New Mexico is officially full and there are no more wideband pairs available. Anyone wishing to coordinate analog repeaters in the area will be asked if they wish to be waitlisted for coordination. The wait time for coordinations on 2 meters is likely 5+ years. The UHF waitlist will be similar, but likely shorter as the restrictions for UHF coordinations are easier.

We apologize for the delay in processing coordinations, but it was inevitable that the bands would fill up. Any other band is wide open at this point for coordinations, consider using a different frequency.

Colorado Frequency Coordinator